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Export of UNI-T products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All UNI-T products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant UNI-T: automotive testers, paint thickness gauges, voltage detectors, multimeters, probes, LCR meters (inductance, capacitance and resistance), physical quantity meters (pyrometers, noise meters, thermal anemometers, luxmeters), digital pocket multimeters, manual multimeters (handheld, standard, modern, with automatic selection of the measuring range, eco-friendly), multimeters universal, portable pocket digital oscilloscopes, electrical circuit testers, insulation resistance meters, RCD testers, current measuring pliers (current pliers)
  • Automotive testers, LCP thickness gauges UNI-T
    Automotive testers, LCP thickness gauges
    UT107, UT109, UT341, etc.
  • Detectors, probes UNI-T
    Detectors, probes
    UT12A, UT13B, UT15B, etc.
  • LCR Meters UNI-T
    LCR Meters
    UT603, UT611, UT612, etc.
  • Physical quantity meters UNI-T
    Physical quantity meters
    UT300, UT301, UT352, etc.
  • Pocket multimeters UNI-T
    Pocket multimeters
    UT10A, UT20B, UT120A, etc.
  • Hand-held multimeters UNI-T
    Hand-held multimeters
    UT30, UT33, UT132, etc.
  • Multimeters are universal UNI-T
    Multimeters are universal
    UT58C, UT58E, UT58A, etc.
  • Oscilloscopes UNI-T
    UT81B et al .
  • Electrical Circuit Testers UNI-T
    Electrical Circuit Testers
    UT501A, UT502A, UT511, etc.
  • Current measuring tongs UNI-T
    Current measuring tongs
    UT201, UT204A, UT210E, etc.


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